Free stock pick for 03/16/2011
Dear traders,
Here are few words about Wednesday expectations. After big reaction from Japan news and after night scanning result are empty long/short lists. Those who are long with me known that will be very rarely that my lists are almost or absolutely empty. Always when that will be case I know that market wants tell me something. We can’t know for sure where market will go next day or next hour, but we can recognize risk and that is very important information. I’m absolutely sure that trading risk is higher right now. My main focus is always to find low risk setup and since there are not much what I like, only reasonable conclusion is that is best to be patient and wait. We all know that cash is position too and sometime it can be best position. Also, if we want to take any trade my advice is that risk can be maximum half than usual. I will watch AAPL and PCAR and I hope they won’t open with gap what will change expectations. I will do intraday scanning (as always) and I will email possible ideas. If there won’t be lower risk setups then it will be possible that I won’t give any setup. One day or few days without trading in extremely situations are not very important. If we lose bigger amount during that time it will be harder to back that and we will need more time for that.
Wish you all great trading day and keep in mind that patience is key word for Wednesday. If will be changes during trading hours I will sent updates.
Kind regards
Ivica Juracich

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Ivica Juracic