Trade Setups for Monday 9th, April 2012
Dear traders,
I hope you all had good weekend. As you know I won’t be in the room today and I wish you all bets trading day. I don’t know how to do on better way so I will like to wish you all happy Easter to all who celebrate. For those who don’t celebrate look on this as just best wishes for good trading day.
Here is watch list for Monday 9th 2012. See you all tomorrow when it will be my regular day.
I need to bring my son in Hospital on research (nothing serious but I must do that) and I will do best to be ready for Tuesday
Again I wish you all best day and happy Easter to all.
Kind regards
Ivica Juracic



The primary focus of my service is to find Swing Trades. I look for intraday setups that have a potential to become swing trades. Since my membership is diverse I do post additional ideas (day trades, position trades and scalp trades). It is up to you to decide which trades are appropriate for your trading style. I do NOT personally take every trade. Your success depends on YOU taking trades you understand and like. I am always available to contact for additional trade explanation.
During normal market conditions our regular setups generally do very well regardless what time they are taken. Trading right at the open always adds risk. It is recommended that new trades not be taken for the first 5 minutes the market is open. I will treat each new trade that sets up during this time as a gap trade and wait till the stock comes back and takes out its 15 minute high or low.
Trading is risky. It is our job as traders to reduce this risk and increase our chances of success.
IMPORTANT: Take only the opportunities that you really like and understand. Always enter a trade with a trading plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. There is a much greater chance of success in your trading if you understand the trade. That is very important. Taking just a few trades is enough to be a successful trader. Overtrading is probably the number one reason new traders fail. I personally mostly take swing trades. Please remember to keep that in mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Good luck trading today!
Ivica Juracich